
Spolding and Sons Ltd. is committed to protecting the privacy and security of data of all visitors to, “the website”) in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Our privacy policy explains how we manage personal information about you, cookies and your rights conferred by current legislation.

In this Policy, “Spolding and Sons”, “we”, “us” and “our”, refer to Spolding and Sons Ltd.; a limited company registered in England & Wales (registered office: Campbell Drive, Barrow Hill, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, England, S43 2PR. Registration no. 09631743). For the purposes of the Data Protection Legislation, we are deemed to be the “data controller” in respect of any Personal Information that you provide to us or we otherwise obtain about you.

We are a “data controller” and are responsible for making decisions about the collection, storage and processing of personal data; and for providing the information herein.

By continuing to use this website you agree to our Privacy and Cookie Policy. If you disagree to with the contents of this policy it is advised to discontinue the use of the website.

1. Principles of Data Protection and Privacy

1.1 We are obligated by data protection legislation to: use personal information lawfully, fairly and with transparency; collect personal information only for valid purposes that are explained clearly and not used for any incompatible or undefined purpose; ensure that the personal information that we hold is relevant and limited to being used for the purposes of which you have been notified; ensure that personal information is accurate and kept up to date; ensure that personal information is kept only as long as necessary for the purposes of which you have been notified; and, ensure that personal information is kept securely.

2. Personal Information

2.1 Personal information, or personal data, means ‘personal identifiable data’ which is any information about an individual from which that individual can be identified.

2.2 Personal information does not include ‘anonymised data’ which means data from which the identity has been removed.

3. Specific data that we collect and how we use it.

3.1 Any data, such as names, email addresses and contact details, that you have submitted to us by using our contact forms and/or by sending emails to us is collected. This data is used for initiating and managing all communications where you have made a request for information and/or communications in relation to standard business operations. This data is also held in a secure database for customer relationship management.

3.2 Information on how you use the site by using cookies that enable us to make improvements to the website through the use of Google Analytics and page clicks.

3.3 We ensure the secure processing of all data through encryption in transit and at rest for all services provided by us but we accept no liability for data transferred over the Internet or external networks.

4. Using your information.

4.1 Where necessary, we will use your personal information to perform our contractual obligations to you and conduct any requisite tasks within the confines of our agreement.

4.2 Your personal information will be used to comply with any legal obligation(s).

5. Change of purpose.

5.1 An annual review of this policy will be carried out unless there are any significant changes to our website, business processes, internal systems or government legislation. Any such changes will be made herein and notification will be forwarded by email or other means, where appropriate.

5.2 We recommend that you revisit this page to view any changes that may have been made.

6. Third-party data sharing.

6.1 It’s possible that we may need to share your data with third parties for the purposes of business operations and collaborative work. This includes third-party service providers such as CRM platforms, manufacturing and logistics partners and/or any authorised agents.

6.2 It is the case that we will only share information with third-parties who have a privacy policy that conforms with GDPR (for companies within the EU) or conforms to equivalent legislation (for companies outside of the EU).

6.3. We’ll never permit third-parties to use your personal information for their own purposes or any other purpose(s) than notified herein.

7. Time limits for data retention.

7.1 Your personal information will be stored for as long as it is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations, standard business operations, legal obligations, accounting, reporting and any requisite task(s) that sit within the constraints of the purposes for which your personal information has been collected, processed and retained.

7.2 Providing that your personal information is no longer required for any such purpose, as stated herein Clause 7.1, it will be discarded securely after a period of 36 months has elapsed since it was last processed for any notified legitimate purpose(s) contained herein.

8. Opt-in marketing communications.

8.1 If you have chosen to ‘opt-in’ to receive emails from us that contain further information in respect of our products and services, including promotions and offers, we will use your personal information to contact you as indicated by the preferred method(s) of communication that you have chosen, either at the point of ‘opt-in’ or at the point that you provided updated information to us.

8.2 You have the right to update, amend or withdraw permission for us to contact you with marketing communications. To do so, contact us at:

9. Your rights and obligations.

9.1 There are some circumstances, current legislation gives you the right to request access, correction and/or erasure of your personal information.

9.2 In some circumstances, current legislation gives you the right to object to processing or request the restriction or transfer of your personal information.

9.3 We will process all requests in a reasonable time-frame and as prescribed by the provisions of any current legislation.

9.4 No fee is usually chargeable although we may charge a reasonable fee, or decline your request(s) where they are unfounded or excessive.

10. External sites

10.1 Some links on our site may lead to external websites. This privacy policy is applicable only to this site and you should read the privacy policy of any external sites that you visit via external links.

11. Queries and complaints

11.1 If you have any questions, complaints or request further information about this privacy policy, please contact us at

11.2 You have the right, at all times, to make a complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO); the UK supervisory authority for data protection.

12. Policy updates.

This policy was last updated on 26th June 2023.

Date of next review: 26th June 2024.

External resources:

Guide to the GDPR regulation: